At Parsons & Goltry we almost always recommend registering your company’s trademarks. Although trademarks can be earned through first use, there are several additional benefits offered by registering with USPTO. However, there is a right and a wrong time to register your marks.
The timing of registering a trademark really boils down to making sure all your ducks are in a row before you file the papers. Since trademarks are public record, you naturally expose yourself to threats. However, these threats can easily be addressed with proper planning and the help of Arizona trademark lawyers Parsons & Goltry.
Before you file for your trademark, make sure you’ve already secured the URL for your company’s website. Cybersquatters are notorious for checking new trademark filings and then snatching up related domain names only to sell the domain back to you for a very inflated price.
If your company gets big enough, there’s bound to be a few rogue competitors that pop up and infringe on your trademark rights. Before you take legal action or even send a cease and desist order, check to make sure your trademark has been probably filed. Relying solely on protection from first use might result in a lengthy court battle. Having the official protection of a registered trademark will save you some time in the event of an infringement battle. If you take action without a registered trademark the other company might beat you to the trademark office and file before you.
Don’t Procrastinate
Waiting to get all your affairs in order is a wise move, but you don’t want to wait too long. Imagine how terrible it would be if you put off registering for five years, investing so much time, energy, and money into your brand only to find out the trademarks you’ve been using are already registered. Going back to the drawing board that late in the game is not fun. Even if you’re not ready to file, ask Scottsdale trademark attorneys Parsons & Goltry to run a check and ensure your trademarks are actually available.
10643 North Frank Lloyd
Wright Blvd. Suite 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Phone: (480) 991-3435
Open 9-5pm Monday - Friday
Arizona’s premiere patent attorneys serving clients throughout the U.S. and internationally for almost 30 years.
Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, we serve clients locally as well as throughout the United States and across the world.