Obtaining a patent on an invention offers patent holders a limited monopoly on the right to exclude others from making, selling, using or importing the invention for a set amount of time. Utility and plant patents offer protection for twenty years from the filing date and design patents offer protection fifteen years from the date… See the Full Article
Category: Patents
The appearance of a trademark is one of its most important aspects, and trademark applicants have an important choice to make when deciding what their mark will look like. There are three types of trademarks you can select from on a trademark application, and they are: Standard Character Marks. Standard character marks are used for… See the Full Article
Category: Trademark Protection
A copyright is a form of intellectual property protection given to works of original authorship that are created in a tangible form of expression. Copyrights can be created in original works such as: Writings and other literature. Works of art. Movies and films. Musical compositions and performances. Artistic performances, such as dance or plays. Sculptures…. See the Full Article
Category: Copyright
Do you have an idea that will improve upon an already existing invention? How about an improvement upon the design of a musical instrument? In the 1920’s, Hawaiian music and the ukulele were very popular in the United States. Small, portable, and inexpensive, the ukulele opened the door for regular middle class Americans to learn… See the Full Article
Category: Patents