Once you finally have your copyright registration you want to make sure to get your money’s worth. One way people often put their copyright to use is to slap an official copyright notice everywhere they can. A copyright notice often comes in the form of a little c in a circle – ©. Using… See the Full Article
We’ve all heard the tune Happy Birthday at least once a year since we were born. It’s one of the few songs everyone knows by heart. However, you may not know that until last year the song was under strict copyright protection. The rights were owned by the corporate giant Warner Music Group. How the… See the Full Article
Love him or hate him, Justin Bieber is undeniably one of the most popular musicians on the charts. He’s had multiple number one hits, and he’s sold out stadiums from coast to coast. However, one of his most popular songs is now being called into question. Indie pop singer Casey Dienel, also known as White… See the Full Article
One of the few urban legends floating around in the world of intellectual property is that mailing yourself a copy of your song, book, or other original creation will act as informal copyright or patent. This technique is sometimes called a poor man’s copyright. It seems logical enough right? You write a song, mail it… See the Full Article