Once you finally have your copyright registration you want to make sure to get your money’s worth. One way people often put their copyright to use is to slap an official copyright notice everywhere they can. A copyright notice often comes in the form of a little c in a circle – ©. Using this notice isn’t necessary all the time, but it is a good idea.
United States copyright laws grant copyright protection to the creator as soon as the original work is created. Technically you don’t even have to register to get copyright protection, although there are several benefits to official copyright registration.
As Scottsdale copyright attorneys, we encourage copyright holders to use a notice for two reasons:
Things weren’t always this way. For a long time if you forgot to put a copyright notice on your work, you effectively forfeited your copyright protection and your work would automatically be cast into the public domain. Thankfully, times have changed.
The generally accepted format for copyright notice is: the copyright symbol, the year first published, and then the copyright holder. For example- © 2016 Parsons & Goltry.
In summation, a copyright notice is a lot like buying your boss a Christmas gift. It’s optional, but it’s still a good idea. If you need the help of an Arizona copyright lawyer, call Parsons & Goltry for a consultation today.
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Wright Blvd. Suite 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Phone: (480) 991-3435
Open 9-5pm Monday - Friday
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Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, we serve clients locally as well as throughout the United States and across the world.