Patents give coverage to inventions. In broad terminology, an invention is a new, useful and unobvious article of manufacture or improvement thereto. Inventions also include composition of matter, method of fabricating a product, methods that are useful in business, ornamental design for article of manufacture and asexually reproduced plants. Applications for patents can be filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Samuel Hopkins, of Pittsford, Vermont, received the first United States patent on July 31, 1790, for an improvement “in the making of Pot ash and Pearl ash by a new Apparatus and Process.” On 14 March 1794, United States Patent Number 1 was issued to Eli Whitney for “New Invented Cotton Gin, or Machine for Separating Cotton from Its Seed.”
10643 North Frank Lloyd
Wright Blvd. Suite 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Phone: (480) 991-3435
Open 9-5pm Monday - Friday
Arizona’s premiere patent attorneys serving clients throughout the U.S. and internationally for almost 30 years.
Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, we serve clients locally as well as throughout the United States and across the world.