Many startups are strapped for cash, so cutting costs wherever possible seems like a good idea early in the game. One place startups should not cut costs too much is when it comes to protecting their intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, grant exclusive protection to the intellectual property owner so that… See the Full Article
Category: Trademark Protection
If you are the creator or author of a book, play, musical composition, graphic design, photo, or other creative work, you can protect your work through a copyright. By obtaining a copyright, you are claiming ownership of your work, which comes with rights and protections. A copyright is a bundle of rights assigned to one… See the Full Article
Category: Copyright
Guide to Trade Secrets You have most likely heard of a secret recipe or a business secret, but you might not know that secrets that provide a business with a competitive advantage can be a form of intellectual property that can be protected from others. These secrets are called “trade secrets,” and they are very… See the Full Article
Category: Trade Secrets
Patenting an invention in the United States under the America Invents Act is all about when you file your patent application, because your filing date marks when you sought protection for your invention. A provisional patent application is a tool which inventors can use to secure a filing date by filing an abbreviated version of… See the Full Article
Category: Patents