Why Getting a Patent for Your Invention Matters
Many people may have told you to get a patent for your product. Here, we talk about the importance of following that advice and how it could benefit you.
Category: Patents
Many people may have told you to get a patent for your product. Here, we talk about the importance of following that advice and how it could benefit you.
Category: Patents
Learn more about how our patent attorneys at Parsons & Goltry, PLLC work on securing a patent for your invention. Call us today and start protecting your ideas!
Category: Patents
Learn how you can maximize the patent pending period with these insights from an experienced and trusted trademark and patent lawyer. Contact us today!
Patents and trademarks are legal tools you can use to protect any idea you have created. So, are they the same? Learn their key differences with this blog!
Category: Copyright , Patents , Trademark , Trademark Protection , Uncategorized
10643 North Frank Lloyd
Wright Blvd. Suite 201
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Phone: (480) 991-3435
Open 9-5pm Monday - Friday
Arizona’s premiere patent attorneys serving clients throughout the U.S. and internationally for almost 30 years.
Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, we serve clients locally as well as throughout the United States and across the world.