When a person creates a recipe from scratch that tastes wonderful, it is no wonder that they would be inclined for protect that recipe. A delicious new food or sauce can be really profitable as others pine for a taste of the scrumptious creation. With the ability to monetize a new recipe, protecting the intellectual… See the Full Article
Category: Copyright
Trademark infringement litigation can be expensive and time consuming, and often could have been avoided if care had been taken at the outset to avoid infringing the trademark rights of another. Is There a Likelihood of Confusion? When two marks are too similar, there is a likelihood that consumers will be confused by the marks…. See the Full Article
Category: Trademark Protection
Many artists, writers, and other creative types operate under the assumption that a creative work becomes copyrighted upon completion. While this is true, the actual date that your work was created is difficult to prove, and so that is why registration of your creative work is necessarily in order to establish a legal presumption of… See the Full Article
Category: Copyright
When a startup first sets out to build their company, they focus on their brand. Obtaining intellectual property rights in the various components that make up the company’s brand is crucial to being successful. Patents can be sought for inventive new products, copyrights can be obtained on creative new marketing materials, and trademark protection can… See the Full Article
Category: Trademark Protection