At Parsons & Goltry we almost always recommend registering your company’s trademarks. Although trademarks can be earned through first use, there are several additional benefits offered by registering with USPTO. However, there is a right and a wrong time to register your marks. The timing of registering a trademark really boils down to making sure… See the Full Article
Category: Trademark Protection
So you’ve secured a patent for your invention and business is moving along nicely. Then out of the blue, you find out another company is stealing some or all the patented invention you worked so hard for. What do you do? What are your options? Not to worry, with so many tinkers and inventors out… See the Full Article
Category: Patents
Owning a trademark is like owning a car, you have to update the registration from time to time. If you don’t update your trademark registration at the right time, you can lose the rights and federal protection guaranteed by owning the trademark. The first document you need to file is known as the Section 8… See the Full Article
Category: Trademark Protection
If the inventor planned on giving the invention away for free, why bother getting patent protection? So now the question becomes- How can inventors make money off a patent? The obvious answer is the inventor can use the patent to start producing a product and own their own business. This might work for some inventors,… See the Full Article
Category: Patents